OHIP-Funded Headache Management
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
-Albert Einstein
Many patients struggle with headaches despite medical management. Often, whatever triggered headaches has gone but the headaches persist. Like weeds in a garden headaches can be resilient. Neuroscience suggests another approach: training your brain for wellness. That is, rather than focusing on eliminating the weeds of headache, we can crowd the weeds out by focusing on the neuropsychological health so that our physiology is not fertile soil for headaches.
Our headache management program starts out by teaching patients the modus operandi of functional headache management. Then, patients will learn playbooks to run in strengthening their neuropsychology (with the side effect of crowding out headaches). In these sessions, you will learn many skills. You will be taught how to hone these skills through cognitive behavioural approaches. Some of these skills may have especially powerful effect on your physiology. With continued commitment to the skills, you will shape your neurophysiology towards better health (and away from headaches).
Functional Management of Headache
Training resilience to chronic headache
Level 101: 8 Sessions
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Skills in relaxing your nervous system
Level 201: 8 Sessions
Headache Behavioural Therapy
Functional management of chronic headache
Level 202: 8 Sessions
Next Start Dates:
- To be determined
Duration: Each level lasts 8 weeks. 60-minute sessions/per week online over Zoom Healthcare
Counseling facilitator: Dr. Taher Chugh
Please note:
While we endeavor to limit the session to the allotted time, at times, the sessions go overtime because of discussion and questions. Please keep this in mind when scheduling group counseling appointments. We recommend that you do not book anything else for 30 minutes after each group session.