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Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your information, and follow rules for how we collect, use and share your information set out in  Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). We have policies in place for doctors, staff, students and volunteers that address confidentiality, privacy, security and the release of records.

How we use your information

The information you give us about yourself and your family is important to our work at the clinic. We use your personal health information to treat and care for you.  Only staff who need to see your personal health information are permitted to access it. We assume you agree (consent) to share your information with health-care providers and trainees involved in your care. We will ask for your consent before we collect, use or share your information for any reason other than our stated activities or those authorized by PHIPA or law.

You may withhold or withdraw your consent at any time by contacting team@ibfmed.ca.

  • To teach and educate – your information may be used to train staff and support our partnership with training students.
  • To improve the care we provide through quality improvement and risk management activities.
  • To obey laws and regulations.
  • To fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law.
  • To plan, run, and manage programs, services and internal operations.
  • To enhance your safety and security at the clinic.
  • To obtain payment for your treatment (from OHIP, WSIB, your private insurer or others).

Processing your information and the use of vendors outside of Canada

We take steps to make sure that everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy and only uses your personal health information when necessary. While IBFM avoids processing or storing data outside of Canada as much as possible, some support services are provided by vendors subject to U.S. laws or in the U.S. In these situations, personal health information will be subject to the laws of another country which may be different, and less protective, than those of Canada.

How we share your information to support your care

We share your information with health-care providers who are involved in your care. This may include providers who do not work at IBFM. The information that is shared may include access to your electronic health record and/or use of electronic systems that are shared and accessible by health-care organizations outside of Ontario. These systems securely share electronic information to provide timely and coordinated patient care. The following shared systems are used to support patient care.  We may provide your information to others for reasons listed here:

This is a provincial central repository that stores core elements of your child’s health record at IBFM that another care provider may access for continuity of care. Access to the ConnectingOntario Clinical Viewer is restricted to those who provide or assist with patient care. Visit eHealth Ontario – EHRs explained.

Ontario Laboratory Information System (OLIS) allows hospitals and community laboratories to share laboratory, cytology and pathology test results. Visit eHealth Ontario – Lab results.

Ocean allows health care providers to refer patients to our clinic. It also allows us to send you online pre-appointment questionnaires.

Accuro is our EMR, one of the most common Canadian providers for Electronic Medical Records solutions to MDs. 

To conduct patient satisfaction surveys

We want to hear from you about the quality of care and services you received at IBFM. We will use your name and address, and the dates of your visits to send you surveys. This information helps us improve the care we provide.

To adhere to the law

PHIPA requires and permits us to give some of your information to others, including but not limited to:

  • The Ministry of Health
  • Researchers if approved by a Research Ethics Board
  • The Medical Officer of Health to report communicable diseases
  • The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
  • Law Enforcement Officers who present a warrant or subpoena, or to aid in an investigation
  • The Children’s Aid Society where child harm is suspected; the children’s lawyer
  • The public guardian and trustee
  • The Coroner

Contact IBFM Privacy Manager

Contact us if:

  • you do not want to receive our patient satisfaction survey
  • you wish to withdraw or place “conditions” on your consent for how your information is used or shared
  • you would like more information about our information practices
  • you have any privacy related questions and/or complaints


For a copy of your health record or to ask for a correction to your personal health records: 


Mailing Address
Privacy Manager
Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine
PO Box 89
King City, ON   L7B 0B5
Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine
Phone: 416-306-2001
Fax: 647-660-9355
Email: team@staging30.test.websquadron.co.uk

Last Updated 19/05/2024