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OHIP-Funded CBT 301: Cognitive Approach

I think, therefore I am.

-René Descartes

In CBT 301: Cognitive Approach group counselling, you will learn the skills in evaluating and restructuring your thought process to achieve improved experiences.  You will learn:

  • psychoeducation to help you identify common methods of thinking that can get one stuck in depression and anxiety, and strategies in checking them
  • tools to improve evaluation and identifications of more adaptive perspectives
  • skills in cognitive evaluations including Socratic Dialogue and effective strategies in self-talk


CBT 301: Cognitive Approach builds on the building blocks you learned in CBT: 101 Fundamentals.  The goal of these sessions is to develop flexibility in identifying perspectives that will lead to better experiences.  CBT 201: Behavioural Approach had the same goal but focusing on leveraging adaptive behaviours in getting there.  Cognitive behavioural therapy is a validated form of psychotherapy using behavourial conditioning, cognitive restructuring to effectively treat depression & anxiety in addition to dozens of other conditions.  Research has shown that benefits of CBT are often more lasting than the benefits provided by pharmacotherapy. 

Next Start Dates: 

  • To be determined

Duration: 4 weeks. 1-1.5 hours sessions/per week online over Zoom Healthcare

Counseling facilitator: Dr. Taher Chugh

Please note:
While we endeavor to limit the session to the allotted time, at times, the sessions go overtime because of discussion and questions. Please keep this in mind when scheduling group counseling appointments. We recommend that you do not book anything else for 30 minutes after each group session.