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OHIP-Funded CBT Group Counselling

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

-Mark Twain

Where, when and how did you learn about life?  How has that shaped the way you see yourself, others and the world in general?  What if there is another perspective that you have not considered that would bring about a better experience of life?  Where would you start in quest of more successful approaches to life’s situations?  This is where Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) comes in.

CBT is a structured, evidence-based, solution-focused and goal-oriented form of psychotherapy.  In these interactive group sessions, you will learn the skills and strategies to identify, evaluate and consciously develop how your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs are connected with your emotions and behaviours. 

The therapist doesn’t have the answer.  The purpose is to equip you with the awareness and methods that will allow you to intentionally create new opportunities for more empowering experiences.  With practice and persistence, old habitual reactions are replaced with new approaches and perspectives.

CBT Fundamentals and mindfulness for Anxiety / Depression IBFM Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine Ontario, Canada

CBT Fundamentals

It starts with awareness

Level 101:   4 Sessions

CBT Behavioural Approach and mindfulness for Anxiety / Depression IBFM Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine Ontario, Canada

CBT Behavioural Approach

Have a gameplan

Level 201:   4 Sessions

CBT Cognitive Approach and mindfulness for Anxiety / Depression IBFM Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine Ontario, Canada

CBT Cognitive Approach

Fresh perspectives

Level 301:   4 Sessions

Duration: Each level lasts 4 weeks. 1-1.5 hour sessions/per week online over Zoom Healthcare.

Counseling facilitator: Dr. Taher Chugh

Please note:
While we endeavor to limit the session to the allotted time, at times, the sessions go overtime because of discussion and questions. Please keep this in mind when scheduling group counseling appointments. We recommend that you do not book anything else for 30 minutes after each group session.