ibfm logo, natural treatments for sleep, headache, fatigue, lower back pain, post-concussion syndrome, hypertension, blood pressure, homepage, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Getting a referral to our clinic

Get a Referral: Save your referring health care provider some time!

Many health care providers are swamped with administrative work.  So, if you would like to help them out, you can print out the referral form found below and take it to them to add their OHIP # and signature.  You can then fax it directly to us at 647-660-9355.

OHIP Referral form for OHIP-funded therapy for insomnia, headache, fatigue, hypertension, post-concussion syndrome and lower back pain IBFM Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine Ontario, Canada

Referral Form

Discussing a referral to our clinic with your primary health care provider

  • Most primary health care providers will be happy to learn that you are interested in taking this step.
  • If you do not have a primary health care provider, you can get a referral from a walk-in clinic.
  • Generally health care providers support cognitive, behavioural & lifestyle interventions in improving sleep, fatigue and chronic headache.
  • We have made a webpage especially for MDs and NPs to help them understand our program and how to refer to us.  Feel free to share this page with them.  On that page there are several resources to help them in understanding the scope of our program, what to expect in working with us, and how to refer to us.
  • Many health care providers are swamped with administrative work.  So, if you would like to help them out, you can print out the referral form found below and take it to them for their signature and OHIP #.  You can then fax it directly to us.

Nurse practitioners

  • If you have a Nurse Practitioner, they can refer to us just as a physician would.

Family physicians

  • Some physician’s (who are part of a family health organization, also known as a FHO) are more likely to refer if they know that their access bonus will not be affected.  Our internal medicine specialists’ billings to OHIP (A135) will not affect your primary health care provider’s access bonus.  Our GP psychotherapist has a GP-Focused Practice designation in psychotherapy and only uses the following billing codes so that your physician’s access bonus will not be affected if they refer to us:
    • A010
    • K007
    • K019
    • K020
    • K012
    • K024
    • K025

Specialist Physicians and walk-in doctors

  • Your specialists and any walk-in doctor can also refer you to our program.  This can be a useful option if you do not have a GP or a Nurse Practitioner.