Natural OHIP Therapy Solutions for Better Health

OHIP-Funded virtual evidence-based therapies providing lasting relief from insomnia, fatigue, headache, hypertension, lower back pain and post-concussion syndrome.

Lasting Relief from Chronic and Common Health Conditions

Many patients struggle with medical conditions like fatigue, hypertension, insomnia, chronic headache, hypertension, lower back pain, and post-concussion syndrome, and are stuck in not knowing how to get better.

Often you will get a diagnosis but what does this mean?  And how has it helped you get better?  Have you started researching ways you can help yourself? 

Well, this is what our clinic is about. 

Our vision is to teach you the knowledge and skills to improve your health at the most fundamental level. 

That is, you will learn to train your physiology – that means, you can train the way your body works – getting at the root cause of conditions without over-relying on the medical system or medication. 

For example, for patients with insomnia, we will teach you how to sleep well.

So that you can enjoy a good night’s sleep and all the benefits that stem from it: looking younger, feeling more energetic, being mentally sharper, healthier weight, better mood, and more!

insomnia and cbti, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Conditions We Treat

insomnia and cbti, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada


CBT and mindfulness for Anxiety / Depression IBFM Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine Ontario, Canada

Depression & Anxiety

chronic fatigue, insomnia and cbti, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Chronic Fatigue

chronic headache, insomnia and cbti, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Chronic Headache

hypertension management, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

High Blood Pressure

lower back pain, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Lower Back Pain

post-concussion syndrome, concussion, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Post-Concussion Syndrome

insomnia and cbti, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

OHIP-funded natural treatments to support your wellbeing

Access evidence-based natural therapies to treat insomnia, chronic fatigue and headache.  

These therapies are gold standard therapies as effective or more effective than medication.  

These programs will show you how to train your physiology so that you naturally start sleeping better, having more energy, and getting fewer headaches.  Imagine what you will do with this new freedom.

Training Series Group Counselling Sessions with MD (OHIP)*

If our MD (2nd appointment) is of the opinion that you will be a good candidate for one of the OHIP-Funded “Training Series” Group Counselling Sessions listed below, you will be invited to participate.  If not, the MD will let you know which milestones should be met before you are a likely to benefit from Group Counselling Sessions.  

If you don’t care for Group Counselling Sessions, or the timing of them don’t work for you, you can opt to do therapies listed below 1-on-1 with our OT (privately, i.e., not covered by OHIP).  

The purpose of the “Training Series” Group Counselling Sessions is to train you in skills of evidence-based, structured treatment programs. These are designed to reprogram your neuropsychology (i.e., rewire your brain) so that you achieve lasting relief from these conditions.  Once you know how to ride a bike, it’s hard to forget it.

*Can be done 1-on-1 with the occupational therapist if you prefer (not covered by OHIP)

cbti, cbt-i, cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, ohip funded, medical doctor, free, psychotherapy, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine ontario, canada


OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada


OHIP-funded, MD-delivered:  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for depression/anxiety

relaxation training, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada


OHIP-funded, MD-delivered:  Mindfulness theory & practice

energy management, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Energy Management

OHIP-funded, MD-delivered:  Train how to get more energy naturally

headache management, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Headache Management

OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered:
Rewiring the way your brain processes pain

relaxation training, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Relaxation Training

OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered:
Relaxation as a skill

Management Series Group Counselling Sessions with MD (OHIP)

If our MD (2nd appointment) is of the opinion that you will be a good candidate for one of our “Management Series” OHIP-Funded Group Counselling Sessions listed below, you will be invited to participate.  If not, the MD will let you know which milestones should be met before you are a likely to benefit from Group Counselling Sessions.  

The Management Series are only available by Group Counselling Sessions with our MD (OHIP-Funded).  The purpose of the “Management Series” Group Counselling Sessions is to inform you of evidence-based approaches to managing these conditions.  

These sessions will give your treatment plans direction.  Specific details and resources will be shared with participants.

medical services, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada


OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered:
Have a gameplan for the “silent” killer

lower back pain management ibfm Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine

Lower Back Pain

OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered:
Learn how to get strong again

post-concussion syndrome management, ohip, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Post-Concussion Syndrome

OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered:
Learn how to get a-head again

insomnia and cbti, get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Services covered by OHIP

No longer do you have to worry about not being able to afford gold standard therapies for difficulties with sleep, energy and headache. 

You can save thousands and still get evidenced-based therapies directly from MDs.

OHIP-funded therapy for insomnia, headache, fatigue, hypertension, post-concussion syndrome and lower back pain, IBFM Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine Ontario, Canada

OHIP-Funded, MD-Delivered Programs

For insomnia, fatigue and headache

medical doctor consultation for sleep issues, headache, fatigue, lower back pain, chronic pain, post-concussion syndrome, hypertension, high blood pressure, Group Counselling, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, free psychotherapy

Medical Assessment

OHIP-funded medical assessments for behavioural & lifestyle interventions

Group Counselling, ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, free psychotherapy

Group Counselling

OHIP-funded, evidence-based programs, virtually

How we work with your Primary Health Care Provider (PHCP)

Getting a referral

Once your PHCP refers you, we will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.

Consult report

After the 1st & 2nd appointment with our MDs, we will send a consult report to your PHCP outlining the findings and recommendations.

OHIP Group Counselling (GC)

If our MD believes you are a good candidate for GC, we will invite you for this. Otherwise, we will notify you and your PHCP of treatment milestones required before you are ready for GC.

Get Started


1st MD Appointment

You must have your MD or NP fax us a referral.1

We will send you an intake questionnaire to your email.

Once we receive the completed questionnaire, we will send to your email a link to book your 1st MD appointment.


2nd MD Appointment

At the end of your 1st appointment, you will be emailed a specific journal to keep in real-time for 1 week.

Once we receive this completed journal, we will send to your email a link to book your 2nd MD appointment.


Group Counselling Stream (GCS)

At the end of your 2nd appointment, a specific GCS may be recommended to you if appropriate.

You will be invited to enroll in this section by email .

If you accept this invitation, an invoice for that GCS manual & disbursements will be sent to you. 2

Once payment is received, you will receive confirmation of enrollment for the GCS.

get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Extra Help?

Not available during our GCS?  Or, prefer to do it 1-on-1?  Need extra help with your therapy beyond the GCS? 

You may hire our OT or Psychotherapist privately.  Select “Privately-Funded Therapy” tab for more details.


1. Patients without OHIP or located outside the province of Ontario will be requested to pay for each session above before being booked; referral is not necessary in this case.

2. Our Training Series GCS require manuals. OHIP does not cover the cost of the materials; this must be paid by each patient. Fee for the manual is found in our uninsured services page. Our Training Series GCS (e.g., Low Back Pain Counselling, Post-concussion Syndrome) do not have manuals and so there is no fee.


Select "Get Started"

Decide what you would like to consult the OT/RP about when completing the Get Started Form.

You may consult the OT/RP for one of our treated conditions or something else within the scope of OT or RP practice. 1


1st OT/RP Appointment

We will create a chart for you and then you will receive an email from us with instructions on how to book.

The first appointment is 1 hour long.


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Attend & Pay for OT/RP Appointment

At the end of your 1st appointment, you will be emailed an invoice which is due as soon you receive it.

Payment is made online.


<span data-buffer="">Follow-up OT/RP Appointment<span data-metadata="">

At the end of your OT/RP appointment, your therapist will advise you on when to schedule a follow-up with them.

You may book this appointment at our manage follow-up page.


1. OT = Occupational Therapist; RP = Registered Psychotherapist


1st MD Appointment

You must have your MD or NP fax us a referral.1

We will send you an intake questionnaire to your email.

Once we receive the completed questionnaire, we will send to your email a link to book your 1st MD appointment.


2nd MD Appointment

At the end of your 1st appointment, you will be emailed a specific journal to keep in real-time for 1 week.

Once we receive this completed journal, we will send to your email a link to book your 2nd MD appointment.


Group Counselling Stream (GCS)

At the end of your 2nd appointment, a specific GCS may be recommended to you if appropriate.

You will be invited to enroll in this section by email .

If you accept this invitation, an invoice for that GCS manual & disbursements will be sent to you. 2

Once payment is received, you will receive confirmation of enrollment for the GCS.

get started with ibfm, Institute for Behavioural & Functional Medicine, ontario, canada

Extra Help?

Not available during our GCS?  Or, prefer to do it 1-on-1?  Need extra help with your therapy beyond the GCS? 

You may hire our OT or Psychotherapist privately.  Select “Privately-Funded Therapy” tab for more details.


1. Patients without OHIP or located outside the province of Ontario will be requested to pay for each session above before being booked; referral is not necessary in this case.

2. Our Training Series GCS require manuals. OHIP does not cover the cost of the materials; this must be paid by each patient. Fee for the manual is found in our uninsured services page. Our Training Series GCS (e.g., Low Back Pain Counselling, Post-concussion Syndrome) do not have manuals and so there is no fee.


Select "Get Started"

Decide what you would like to consult the OT/RP about when completing the Get Started Form.

You may consult the OT/RP for one of our treated conditions or something else within the scope of OT or RP practice. 1


1st OT/RP Appointment

We will create a chart for you and then you will receive an email from us with instructions on how to book.

The first appointment is 1 hour long.


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Attend & Pay for OT/RP Appointment

At the end of your 1st appointment, you will be emailed an invoice which is due as soon you receive it.

Payment is made online.


<span data-buffer="">Follow-up OT/RP Appointment<span data-metadata="">

At the end of your OT/RP appointment, your therapist will advise you on when to schedule a follow-up with them.

You may book this appointment at our manage follow-up page.


1. OT = Occupational Therapist; RP = Registered Psychotherapist